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Screenshots taken in Photo Mode appear as blank in the Gallery

Utworzony 2 miesiące temu  Zaktualizowany 1 miesiąc temu

We're aware of the issue on Xbox where screenshots taken in Photo Mode may appear in the in-game Gallery as blank. As a workaround, try the following:

  1. Disable Dolby Vision in your TV settings.
  2. If it doesn't help:
    • Go to SettingsGeneral → TV & display optionsAdvancedVideo modes.
    • Disable Allow HDR10, Auto HDR, Allow Dolby Vision and Dolby Vision for Gaming options and restart the game and console.
  3. If the above doesn't help:
    • Press the Xbox button and go to Profile & SystemSettingsPreferencesCapture & Share.
    • For Allow game captures, select Captures by me or games, and for Capture save location, select Internal storage.