GWENT: The Witcher Card Game

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Ranked Mode Progression

Created 5 years ago  Updated 2 years ago

There are 31 Ranks in GWENT Ranked Mode, the lowest rank is Rank 30, players progress towards rank 0, which is called Pro Rank.

Each rank consists of 5 mosaic pieces, the mosaic pieces are filled in for winning matches. For ranks 25 and higher losing matches will result in losing (breaking) mosaic pieces, however it is not possible to de-rank during an ongoing season.

Starting from third match won in a row (not applied to ranks 7 and higher) player gains Win Streak bonus that grants an additional piece of mosaic. Draws do not break Win Streaks.

 Rank Win Streak Losing a match effect on Progression
 30-26 applied Not possible to break a piece of mosaic
 25-15 applied Two losses in a row break one piece of mosaic
 14-8 applied Losses break one piece of mosaic
 7-1 not applied Losses break one piece of mosaic
 0 (PRO) not applied Mosaic system not applied, progression relies on fMMR