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I am unable to log in to my account / My account has been stolen

Created 1 year ago  Updated 8 months ago

The access to your CD PROJEKT RED account is directly tied to the access to your email account or Social Login account. Please ensure the security of your email account or Social Login account. We're unable to provide support if you lost access to the email account or Social Login account because in such cases it's not possible for us confirm ownership of the CD PROJEKT RED account.

If you're getting the "Invalid username or email" error when attempting to log in, please check any other email addresses you might have used. It could also be helpful to search through your mailboxes for the email confirming CD PROJEKT RED account creation to check the address it was sent to.

If you’re getting the "The security code is invalid or expired. Please try again, and ensure the security code is correct" error when entering the security code, please make sure you’re entering the latest code you got in your mailbox (in case you requested multiple codes in a row). If the latest security code you got in your mailbox doesn’t work, click on the “Send new code” button and try again.

If the security code is not arriving:

  1. Make sure you’re checking the inbox of the email associated with your CD PROJEKT RED account, also verify if the email you entered is valid (without any typos).
  2. Check your spam folder for a message from the email address. Try whitelisting this address and then request a new code.
  3. Make sure you don't close the window before entering the security code, as it can only be used for the login attempt for which it was created.
  4. Wait about 15 minutes and request a code again later. Note that requesting a code too often may cause the account to be temporarily blocked.
  5. If the above steps don’t help, please reach out to your email provider and let them know that you are unable to receive messages from the email address.

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