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SmartFrame and the Gallery feature

Created 3 months ago  Updated 3 months ago

In Update 2.2 we’ve introduced the SmartFrame feature, allowing you to display screenshots taken In Photo Mode in V’s apartments.

How does it work?
Simply go to Photo Mode (PC: N, PlayStation: L3 + R3, Xbox: LS + RS) and take a screenshot (PC: spacebar, PlayStation: □, Xbox: X). You can browse your screenshots through the Gallery panel, which is located in the menu near Journal, Shards, and Tarot. On PC, the Gallery pulls .png images from the screenshots folder (%userprofile%\Pictures\Cyberpunk 2077), on consoles it pulls images from the console's gallery. Through the Gallery panel, you can add screenshots to favorites, delete them, and filter through them for easy browsing (Note: Unlike on PC and PlayStation, deleting a screenshot in-game on Xbox will not remove it from the console’s gallery). To display a screenshot, interact with the SmartFrames located in any of V’s apartments and select the image you want to showcase.

Will the screenshots be imported when transferring my save via Cross Progression?
No. On PC, the Gallery pulls images from the screenshots folder (C:\Users\username\Pictures\Cyberpunk 2077), on consoles it pulls images from the console's gallery. Therefore, screenshots aren’t transferred with the save itself.

What will happen if I delete a screenshot that is displayed on the wall?
The screenshot will be replaced by a placeholder picture.

Will my screenshots I took prior to installing Update 2.2 be visible in the Gallery?
On PC and PlayStation, yes. However, due to technical constraints, on Xbox the Gallery will only display screenshots you took after installing Update 2.2.

Does the Gallery only display the pictures taken in my current playthrough?
No, the gallery displays all screenshots taken in Photo Mode, regardless of the specific playthrough. Even if you start a new game or load an old save, all screenshots in the Gallery will still be visible, as long as they’re stored in the designated screenshots folder on PC or in your console's gallery.

Will my screenshots remain in their frames if I uninstall or reinstall the game?
Yes, as long as you don’t remove them from your screenshots folder on PC or from your console’s gallery.

[PC] Can I import pictures from outside the game?
The pictures from your screenshot folder will show up in the in-game Gallery, as long as they're in the .png format and they’re in one of the supported aspect ratios: 16:9, 2.35:1, 4:3, 9:16, 4:5 or 2:3.

[Consoles] What about the screenshots taken by the console's capture feature (Share/Create button)?
PlayStation: Screenshots taken with the Create button will show up in the Gallery, but it will not be possible to delete them.
Xbox: Only screenshots taken through Photo Mode will show up in the Gallery.

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